Fitlight Trainer

The Fitlight Trainer system represents the natural evolution of the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training Systems) training principle and is currently the most revolutionary wireless training system in the world. This training has high applicability in different sports areas and with extraordinary results.

It is a wireless device composed of 8 LED devices equipped with sensors and controlled by tablet. The system can be configured for all sports and types of training, the user being the one who will deactivate the LEDs either by full contact or by proximity contact.

The Fitlight Trainer system should become an integral part of all the training needs of athletes, due to the multiple advantages. It helps athletes improve their techniques and ability to react in intense training conditions. At the same time, the system also offers an in-depth analysis of sports performance.

The system is perfectly adapted for intense physical exercises, to increase the performance of athletes. The flexibility of this system allows the creation of individual routines, applicable fitness exercises or specific sports programs, both for athletes and for the coach. This system has the ability to analyze the sports capabilities of the user, thus allowing the establishment of concrete objectives to increase performance.

Reaction time, speed, flexibility and acceleration can be easily measured with the help of the system, as this equipment has the ability to design specific exercises or programs that mimic real movements during training.

Athletic ability and movement fluidity can be measured in real time with accurate and subsequently evaluated measurements to improve athletes’ performance.


The benefits of fitness training with Fitlight Trainer

  1. Provides conditions for high performance sports training
  2. Improves reaction time
  3. Improves speed, coordination, agility, endurance, fitness and cognitive and visual processing functions of performance athletes
  4. It offers the possibility to monitor and analyze the athlete’s physical development and to provide real-time feedback
  5. The data obtained can be analyzed very easily.

Health Benefits of Flitlight Trainer Exercises:

  1. Improves motor control and coordination
  2. Contributes to increased mobility
  3. Monitors the ability to move
  4. Sets new rules and help motivate
  5. Applies to a wide variety of lesions / conditions or age groups
  6. Provides real-time feedback to evaluate the procedure and intervention if necessary
  7. They are easy to make
  8. They offer an innovative, efficient and fun training system.

The Flitlight Trainer system can be used as physical therapy equipment to help patients recover from health problems, as well as to establish complex diagnoses.